You can assign an employee to an onboarding path:
- In the profile of the employee, in the Onboarding tab.
- In the details of a given onboarding path, in the Employees tab.
- In the summary page displayed after a new employee is created.
- During employee import from an Excel file (read how to do it here➜).
Who can assign an employee
- Account owner
- Administrator of the Onboarding module
- Administrator of the Employees module
A handful of principles to follow
- Tasks are automatically assigned when an employee is assigned to an onboarding path. Read more➜
- You cannot edit a path with at least one employee assigned.
- An employee cannot be assigned to a path if they have been assigned to a different path.
- If you remove an employee from an onboarding path, all created tasks assigned to that path, the employee and/or other employees within that onboarding path will be removed.